The present: underwriting D&O today
With the directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance market “transitioning” and showing early signs of stabilisation in rates, the class continues to be “fast moving and evolving” with “new exposures such as increased bankruptcies, inflation, and interest rates…all of these things could manifest themselves into new D&O exposures”.
In this, the second of a series of three videos looking at the past, present and future of the D&O market Hiscox London Market’s Steven Pearsall, D&O Line Underwriter; Michael Ehioze-Ediae, Senior Claims Underwriter; Marilize Otto-Bisdee, Senior D&O Underwriter; and David Mulvaney, Senior D&O Underwriter, look at the current themes dominating D&O and explain Hiscox’s current D&O appetite, as well as exploring why D&O is such an interesting and dynamic insurance class to be involved with.