Recognising ESG performance
Hiscox’s ESG 3033 sub-syndicate provides additional capacity to companies that perform well against a benchmark of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria assessed externally by independent experts.
Drawing on the financial strength and expertise of Hiscox’s Syndicate 33, one of Lloyd’s most established and leading syndicates, access to ESG 3033 is only available from the London Market.
“Offering this exclusive capacity to new and existing clients who can evidence top-rated ESG performance is a big step forward, and shows how the insurance industry is already playing an active role in promoting globally important issues like sustainability and transparency. We are excited to be leading that charge and look forward to building on the capacity offered by ESG 3033.”
Paul Lawrence – Chief Underwriting Officer, Hiscox London Market
ESG 3033's risk appetite
Client industries
Hiscoxʼs ESG 3033 sub-syndicate is keen to work with a wide range of clients, across multiple industries. You can find which industries we typically ʻloveʼ and ʻlikeʼ to insure on the next page.
Lines of business
Hiscox’s ESG 3033 sub-syndicate writes the same lines of business as Syndicate 33, except for Cyber, War and Political violence including SRCC.
Excluded exposures
First party exposures are limited to non-critical catastrophe. Critical catastrophe exposures are defined as US and Japanese EQ and Windstorm, and European and Asian Flood.
How clients will benefit from ESG 3033
Access to additional and exclusive capacity supported by the financial strength and underwriting expertise of one of Lloyd’s leading syndicates
Hiscox’s ESG 3033 sub-syndicate capacity is available through the same underwriters as Syndicate 33. One underwriter, two decisions.
Up to 50% of Hiscox’s Syndicate 33 line, subject to a maximum of US$/£/€/CA$ 25 million.
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