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Alternative Risk

Our award-winning team of underwriters is nimble and diverse, bringing together experience from insurance, catastrophe modelling and asset management.

Proactive and dynamic portfolio management approach

We selectively back world-class underwriting expertise in the most profitable segments of the market, with every deal considered on its own merit.   

Multi-line capacity

Our team is empowered to deal with all lines of business written by coverholders, making us a time-efficient and practical one-stop-shop for our partners.   

Effective onboarding process

With market leading due diligence processes, our delegated authority onboarding team boasts a reputation of steadfast set-ups of new Lloyd’s coverholders. 

“The Hiscox Alternative Risk team are refreshingly entrepreneurial”

– Bay Risk Services


Contact the team
James Brady
Property Divisional Director
David Smith
Alternative Risk Line Underwriter
David Smith

Meet the team

Erin Bargate
Alternative Risk Senior Underwriter
Erin Bargate
Viktoriya Ihtimanliyska
Alternative Risk Underwriter
Viktoria Ihtimanlyska
Andrew Trevett
Contract Wordings Specialist