James Brady

Property Divisional Director
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About James

I am the Hiscox London Market Property Divisional Director. I began my Hiscox career in 2007 and spent the next 12 years working in our UK retail business where I was most recently responsible for leading the Cyber and Media product lines. I also have several years' experience writing a broad spectrum of different product lines including Errors and Omissions, Property, Art & Private Client and Cyber in UK Retail, as well as Cyber and Alternative Risk for Syndicate 33. 

Property Binding Authorities

Commercial properties face a wide range of risks from natural threats such as wind or earthquake. Without adequate protection, the damage can be crippling. Household insurance from Hiscox London Market. Prompt, comprehensive and innovative underwriting solutions for condo’s, mid, regular and high value homes.

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London skyline

London ‘gets’ Australian D&O risk

Hiscox’s Klee Meakins, D&O Underwriter, challenges some perceptions that the London Market falls short when it comes to Australian D&O risk.

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Flood team

Behind the line with Flood

Our Flood team share their experiences as underwriters; what their business priorities are; why underwriting flood is so rewarding; the skills they have gained; what it’s like to work on the ...

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