Viktoriya Ihtimanliyska

Alternative Risk Underwriter
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Viktoria Ihtimanlyska

About Viktoriya

I joined Hiscox through the Graduate Program in 2019, after graduating with a BSc in Economics at the University of Sheffield. During the scheme, I gained experience as a Cyber Development Underwriter in the Hiscox UK retail business, lead a  process improvement project for Underwriting Standards & Product Governance in the UK, and then transitioned into the Marine, Energy and Specialty division of London Market.

My time in London Market has been spent working across several classes – Marine & Energy Liability, Upstream Energy, and finally joining the Alternative Risk team on a permanent basis in November 2021. Our team underwrites niche, specialist and multi-line business, and has the ability to utilise all Lloyd’s risk codes.

Alternative Risk

Our award-winning team of underwriters is nimble and diverse, bringing together experience from insurance, catastrophe modelling and asset management.

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Featured insights

Behind the line with Flood

Our Flood team share their experiences as underwriters; what their business priorities are; why underwriting flood is so rewarding; the skills they have gained; what it’s like to work on the ...

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