Charlie Berry

Claims Underwriter
Charlie Berry

About Charlie

I am a Claims Underwriter for Crisis Management. After studying Geography and graduating from the University of Birmingham, I joined Hiscox in September, 2019 on the claims graduate scheme. This allowed me to rotate around all of the London Market divisions and gain an insight into each line of business. I then joined the Crisis Management claims team permanently and focus mainly on Personal Accident and Terrorism claims.


We are dedicated to providing a fair claims service to all of our customers wherever they are and however hard it may be. At Hiscox we are committed to doing the right thing.

Product details
London skyline

London ‘gets’ Australian D&O risk

Hiscox’s Klee Meakins, D&O Underwriter, challenges some perceptions that the London Market falls short when it comes to Australian D&O risk.

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Flood team

Behind the line with Flood

Our Flood team share their experiences as underwriters; what their business priorities are; why underwriting flood is so rewarding; the skills they have gained; what it’s like to work on the ...

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